Sunday, March 05, 2006

Are You Threatening Me? You Do Not Want to Face The Wrath of My Bunghole! has a survey up that seeks to discover the psychological profiles of liberals and conservatives. I took the quiz, and here's my profile:

Your responses are consistent with the following attributes: You have a lower propensity for large-group social bonding than most people. Higher involvement of your olfactory system in your relationships. You have a probable elevation in your dopaminergic activation system. Possible reduction in serotonergic activity and a corresponding reduction in dominance-seeking behaviors. Your right prefrontal cortex is more involved in your political decision-making than your left. Indicators of enhanced right prefrontal and bilateral temporal activity in humor detection. Prefrontal cortical regions are facilitating greater than average behavioral inhibition. Color preferences may indicate an enhanced dopamine level in your visual cortex. Responses point to a probable increase in activity in the right anterior cingulate and amygdala. You have a higher tolerance for ambiguity in your thinking styles, and a greater inhibition of your left inferior parietal cortex. Your responses indicated a tendency to classify facial expressions as more threatening, and an elevation in activity in your right amygdala. Overall, your cognitive style is shifted more towards your right hemisphere.

Okay, a lot of the neurophysical lingo lost me, but I do find it interesting that I see most facial expressions as threatening. Maybe that's why I always loved the Cornholio character on "Beavis and Butthead". IN MY COUNTRY WE HAVE BUT ONE BUNGHOLE! ARE YOU THEATENING ME? THE STREETS WILL FLOW WITH THE BLOOD OF THE NONBELIEVERS!

Sorry. also discuss their survey data in this article. I think their discussion is based on a larger and more extensive survey than the online version. (Either that or I accidentally skipped questions.) Anyway, it more or less matches my experience. I do prefer cats to dogs. I'm very territorial but despise heirarchies (which is why I put up with all the crap involved in being self-employed). I oppose great concentrations of wealth. I never participated in high school team sports, and I've always been deeply introverted. I have a general preference for more saturated colors, though my favorite color is the color of Johnny Cash and the Oakland Raiders--black.

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