Friday, March 14, 2008

Productivity, Of Sorts

Yet another agent rejected The Ice Age. Knowing I have to fight through this shit doesn't make it easier. I just keep telling myself that it is desperately unlikely that the only three people in the literary universe who admire this book are Charles Johnson, David Shields, and David Guterson. There's got to be one with a press and some advance money and a decent distribution channel to the chain bookstores.

I also sent the publisher of my novella, "Escape Velocities", the second part of what will eventually be the next book, concerning the misadventures of the adult Derrick Raleigh. He'll either love it, or it'll offend the hell out of him. We'll see.

At the end of everything, I think I can pronounce Let Us Sit Upon The Ground to be a success. It got some media attention, and a couple of hundred people or so took it home with them, one way or another. I've stopped advertising it. I need the money for other things, like being alive.

Update: According to Google, I actually got 448 listeners just from Podcast Alley. I don't have the figures for the other feeds, but combined with Apple, it might just have gotten into the four figures. Not bad for a guy whose budget could be conveniently measured in cents.

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