Monday, February 21, 2005


Josh Marshall reports that William Bennett (the high stakes gambling windbag moralist) will rough up AARP for Karl Rove, swiftboat style. This means that AARP will be accused of dissing soldiers and supporting gay marriage. Is all this a load of fairly obvious crap? Yeah, of course it is. Will the media fall for it yet again? If by the media you mean those idiots who employ Pat Robertson as an Israel expert or the right wing TASS guys who add Zell Miller to their network for "political balance", of course they will--willingly and gladly. Will it work? Probably. I used to think these ploys were so naked and so absurd that no one would believe them. The election robbed me of this particular kind of innocence. The people, especially the dumbasses in the Bible belt, will go for it again; and they will stand up for the right of rich people to jack them again, and when they're old they'll accuse left-wing jews and homosexuals from the coasts of stealing the money that the people they elected stole.

If you can get past the nausea, you have to smile at the irony.