Saturday, July 09, 2005

Sorry, Charlie

I hear from Majikthise that the creator of Charlie the Tuna died. What base lessons we teach when we die. When John Denver died the lesson was let the guy top off your damn fuel tanks when he offers. When JFK Jr. died the lesson was don't fly at night over the ocean if you're not instrument rated. The lesson here (and in the case of Bill Shatner's late wife as well I guess) is don't swim in backyard pools by yourself if you're old or drunk. Of course, you can't avoid death forever--though I, like Yossarian, plan to live forever if it kills me--but you should make it work to get you. The irony is that Charlie's creator would probably have told you yesterday that swimming a few laps every day was the key to his longevity.

So it goes.

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