Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Alito Hearings

The hearings are a kind of banality-of-evil-fest, wherein a dull technocrat to whom people (especially those who are poor, black, and female) are simply gum stuck in the gears of an otherwise perfect legal engine, sits in front of a tribunal and engages in sophistic sparring matches with Senators (ones where the Senators do most of the talking). These are tiresome ceremonies. Alito's a bad guy, and will probably be a very bad justice, but there's nothing to be done. He'll be on the court. The best that can be done is to educate the public on just how bad he'll be; but, if they don't know, they'll find out soon enough.

Side note: I didn't catch the crying jag that Alito's wife had, and I couldn't care less that she had it. There's her poor husband, who has to sit through, at most, two more days of futile questioning before the Republicans hand him a lifetime job. I'll save my pity for people with actual problems.

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